Also known as the Festival of Freedom, Passover marks the Exodus from slavery. For seven days Jews abstain from eating leavened grain products, to memorialize the flight out of Egypt when, with no time for rising, dough was baked unleavened. In preparation, the home is scrupulously cleansed of leaven and dishes used during the year are stored away. Matzo replaces bread, while home cooks and professional chefs challenge their imagination to come up with delicious, creative leaven-free delights. The highlight of this spring festival is the Seders; on the first two evenings of Passover, extended families gather to read the Haggadah, discuss the story of the Exodus, sing and eat a festive meal. The holiday table is set with a spotless white cloth and the finest kosher for Passover tableware. A ceremonial Seder plate holds the required symbolic foods – spring vegetable, boiled egg, bitter herbs, salt water, a roasted bone and charoset (a mixture of chopped fruit, nuts and spice, moistened with wine.) Everyone drinks four cups of wine or grape juice, with a special goblet set aside for Elijah the Prophet. The intermediate days of Passover are a time to spend in pleasurable outings.